BioEssence Granules

BioEssence Granules

Taiwanese style granules. 5:1 potency / 100 grams per bottle

An Zhong San Granules (Gan Wei Neng), 100g

Unit Size: 100g

Calm the Middle Powder warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*

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Da Chai Hu Tang Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Regulates lesser yang-stage disorder

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Da Cheng Qi Tang Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Purges Heat accumulation in the Stomach and Intestines*

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Da Huang Mu dan Pi Tang

Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula is used to dispel Stagnant Heat in the intestines*

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Er Chen Tang Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Removes dampness to resolve Phlegm; regulates the Stomach function.*

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Er Zhu Tang Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Dispels wind and cold-dampness*

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Fang Feng Tong Sheng San Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Disperses wind, releases the exterior, drains heat, and unblocks the bowels.*

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Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams
This formula is a variation of Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang and is modified for more severe Stomach qi deficiency.*
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Ge Hua Jie Cheng Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams
Pueraria Flower Combination Granules - Hangover Formula
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Gou Qi Yin Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Cyperus & Carthamus Combination replenishes Blood; enhances the circulation of Qi.

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Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Cinnamon & Dragon Bone Decoction is for Interior Syndrome, it restrains the Essence; suppresses the rebellious Yang; harmonizes the Ying and Yang. For Exterior syndrome, it releases Exterior Wind-Cold

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Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Cinnamon & Peony Decoction releases exterior wind-cold

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Hu Ma San Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Sesame Seed Decoction clears skin problems caused by Wind-Heat*

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Hu Qian Wan Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Phellodendron & Terrapin Decoction enriches yin, descends fire and strenghtens the sinews

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Hu Qian Wan Granules (EXPIRES 12-2024)

Unit Size: 100g

Phellodendron & Terrapin Decoction enriches yin, descends fire and strenghtens the sinews

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Huang Qi Wu Wu Tang

Unit Size: 100 grams
Astragalus & Cinnamon Five Herb
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Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan

SKU: MT560
Unit Size: 100 grams

Lotus Stamen Formula

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Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Poria, Cinnamon, Atractylodis & Licorice Decoction reinforces the Spleen; resolves Dampness; transforms Stagnation of Phlegm and congested Fluids by warm herbs.

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Liu Jun Zi Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Revitalizes the Qi; strengthens the Spleen and Stomach; resolves Phlegm and Dampness; helps stop vomiting.*

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Long Dan Xie Gan Tang T Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Gentiana Combination sedates excess Heat or Fire in the Liver and Gallbladder; dispels Damp-Heat from the Lower Burner.*

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Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

M.H. & Apricot Combination Granules

(0 reviews)  

Ni De Si Wu Wan Granules

SKU: BE228
Unit Size: 5 grams per bag/10 bags per box.
Herbal Beauty Drink Granules
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Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula nourishes the Kidneys Yin; tonifies the Liver; brightens the eyes.*

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Qin Jiao Bie Jia San Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This formula replenishes the Yin; tonifies Blood; purges Heat; helps relieve steaming bone heat disorder. For coughing due to consumption of the lungs. This formula was specifically designed for treating wind consumption (feng lao), which is attributed to improper or unsuccessful treatment of an externally-contracted disorder in a patient with underlying yin deficiency.

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Qing Fei Tang (Jia Wei) Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Clears Lungs Heat; enhances the circulation of the Lungs Qi; tonifies the Lungs and Yin Essence; eliminates Phlegm; helps stop coughing.*

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Qing Shi Hua Tan Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Clear Dampness & Phlegm Decoction clears Phlegm and Dampness from the Channels.

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San Bi Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Gentian & Pubescent Decoction nourishes the Liver and Kidneys; tonifies Blood; augments the Qi; dispels Wind; resolves Dampness.*

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San Zhong Kui Jian Tang Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 gram bottle (5:1 extract granules)

Clears heat, resolves toxicity, reduces swelling, induces ulceration, moves the blood, and dispels stasis*

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Sang Ju Yin Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

This formula acts as a diaphoretic; dispels Wind and Heat; anti-tussive.*

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Shen Su Yin Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Ginseng & Perillia Combination - release the exterior and help the righteous

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Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Cnidium & Notopterygium Combination Invigorates Blood; enhances the Qi circulation; eliminates Blood Stasis in the Channels; helps relieve pain.*

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Sheng Mai Yin Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Ginseng & Ophiopogon augments the Qi; replenishes the Yin; generates Fluid; helps stop profuse sweating; nourishes the Lungs.*

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Sheng Yu Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams
Tang kuei Four Plus Combination
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Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Clematis & Achyranthes Combination enhances Blood flow in the Channels; strengthens the tendons; dispels Blood Stasis and Wind-Dampness in the Channels.*

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Si Jun Zi Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Major Four Herb Combination / Four Gentlemen Decoction Tonifies the Qi; nourishes and strengthens the Spleen and Stomach functions.*

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Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Peach Pit To Order The Qi Decoction drains Heat; removes Blood Stasis.*

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Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams

Ginseng & zizyphus Formula - Heavenly Emperor Supplement the Heart Elixir - Calm the Spirit

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Wei Ling Tang

Unit Size: 100 grams

Magnolia and Hoelen Combination - Promote Urination & Leach Dampness

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Wen Jing Tang Granules

SKU: MT641
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Warm Mense & Tonify Blood Formula - Dang Gui & Evodia Combination

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Wu Ji San Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula releases the Exterior; warms the Interior; resolves Phlegm; invigorates Blood; decreases accumulation.*

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Wu Lin San Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Gardenia & Poria Decoction dispels Dampness through enhancing urination; warms the Yang; strengthens the Spleen.*

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Wu Ling San Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Dispels Dampness through enhancing urination; warms the Yang; strengthens the Spleen.*

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Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Unit Size: 100 grams

Evodia Combination - Warm the exterior / warm the middle and dispel cold formula

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Wu Zhu Yu Tang, 100g

SKU: MT649
Unit Size: 100 grams

Evodia Combination - Warm the exterior / warm the middle and dispel cold formula

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Xi Gan Ming Mu Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula helps eye disorders originated from Wind-Heat.

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Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Replenishes the Spleen and Stomach Qi; helps relieve distention in the abdomen caused by Cold and Dampness; helps alleviate morning sickness; resolves Stagnation of Water and food.*

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Xiang Sheng Po Di Wan Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Gasping Decoction clears heat, cools the throat, dispels phlegm, and disperses accumulations*

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Xiao Chai Hu Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Helps gently relieve Shao-Yang disorders; expels pathogenic factors from the Exterior to reduce fever.*

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Xiao Feng San Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Clears Heat; helps stop itching by dispeling pathogenic Wind and cooling Blood; removes Dampness. It is used to help a person with Wind-Heat or Wind-Dampness that invades the body.*Dang Gui & Arctium - Expell Wind / release the exterior.*

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Yi Qi cong Ming Tang

Unit Size: 100 grams

Ginseng, Astragalus & Pueraria Combination

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Yin Chen Hao Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Artemisia / Capillaris Combination dispels Interior Heat; transforms Dampness; helps decrease jaundice.*

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Zhen Wu Tang Granules

Unit Size: 100g

True Warrior Decoction is an excellent and safe formula for chronic accumulation of damp due to deficiency of Yang. It is applicable in edema, swollen joints, ascites and congestive heart failure. It is believed that the formula can strengthen the heart, as well as promote the ability of the intestines to better absorb nutrients.

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Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan Granules

Unit Size: 100g

Calamus & Carthamus Formula is used to help disperse Blood Stasis caused by injuries.

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Zi Shen Ming Mu Tang

Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula is used to help visual disturbances caused by Yin Deficiency of the Kidneys and Liver.*

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