BioEssence Capsules
Taiwanese style granules encapsulated. 5:1 potency / 500mg / 100 capsules per bottle
Ji Nei Jin Capsules
Reduces all types of food stagnation, stops enuresis, dissolves stones* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan (Jia Wei Shen Qi Wan) Capsules
Warms the Yang; nourishes the Kidneys; strengthens the Qi to transform Water; promotes urination; reduces edema.*
Jia Wei Ping Wei San Capsules
Magnolia & Ginger Formula Plus - Reduce Food Stagnation
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San Capsules
Disperses congested Liver-Qi; removes Heat; strengthens the Spleen; nourishes Blood.*
Jiao Gu Lan Capsules
Gynostemma Herb moistens lungs, dispels phlegm, clears heat, eliminates toxins, reduces inflammation, lowers BP and cholesterol.
Jie Geng Capsules
Platycodon Root causes the qi and the actions of other herbs to rise, soothes the throat, releases the exterior, transforms phlegm, expels pus. - Bensky
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan Capsules
This formula strengthens the Kidneys; consolidates the semen; is an astringent.
Jing Fang Bai Du San Capsules
Schizonepeta & Siler Decoction induces sweating, release the exterior, dispel wind and alleviate pain.
Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang Capsules
Schizonepeta & Forsythia Decoction dispels wind, clears heat, disperses stagnation, and resoles toxicity
Ju Hua Capsules
Chrysanthemum disperses and clears wind-heat; Calms the Liver and clears the eyes; Calms the Liver and extinguishes wind; Resolves toxicity. - Bensky