Belamcanda 15, 100 tablets

Belamcanda 15, 100 tablets

Belamcanda 15, 100 tablets

SKU SF114-100
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 100 tablets (crude herbs are powdered and formed)
Branch lungs

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English name Belamcanda 15

Belamcanda 15 was designed for use in treating acute repiratory infections in cases where modern antibiotic therapy is being avoided or has proven unsuccessful. Belamcanda 15 is modeled after several traditional formulas, including Platycodon and Fritillaria Combination and Morus and Chrysanthemum Combination, which have been used in China for onset of symptoms associated with infections. Several of these herbs may also be helpful to the patient with lung cancer, which usually causes a troubling cough. The key ingredients for alleviating infection are belamcanda, houttuynia, selaginella, and stemona. The remaining herbs are intended to help clear up phlegm accumulation and alleviate coughing. For severe or persistent infections, it may be necessary to add additional antitoxin herbs, such as those found in Isatis 6, Paris 7, Patrinia 7, or Stemona Tablets. For prolonged production of colored phlegm, add Trichosanthes Fruit Tablets. For chronic lung disorders, Belamcanda 15 may be used as part of the initial therapy; then Rhodiola 15 is to be given at a fairly high dosage, with frequent application for only a few days.


She Gan (belamcanda) 8% Yu Xing Cao (houttuynia) 8% Shi Shang Bo (selaginella) 8% Lu Gen (phragmites) 7% Xing Ren (apricot seed) 7% Sang Ye (morus leaf) 7% Zhu Li (bamboo sap) 7% Jie Geng (platycodon) 7% Bai Bu (stemona) 7% Mai Men Dong (ophiopogon) 6% Zhe Bei Mu (fritillaria) 6% Niu Bang Zi (arctium) 6% Bai Qian (cynanchum) 6% Gan Jiang (ginger) 5% Gan Cao (licorice) 5%