Basil, holy

Basil, holy

Basil, holy

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml
Actions To tonify Qi and strengthen the Mind - Holmes
English name Basil, holy
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Price: $19.00
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Description Psychological function: Holy basil is one of several oils that can help with states of distraction and mood swings, being helpful for emotional stability in general. Stuck emotions and emotional distress specifically can benefit greatly from this valuable oil. Holy basil also has a good reputation as an adaptogen that helps one cope with unproductive stress. Its classical indications include neurasthenia with physical and mental fatigue, especially when resulting from any kind of chronic stress situation, including chronic illness. This oil is one of several that increases cerebral circulation to enhance mental functions such as memory, cognition and attention span, and is a classic for distraction, mental fog, loss of mental focus and such like.*

Botanical name: Ocimum sanctum
Plant part: The herb
Origin: India
Production: Selectively cultivated
Steam distillation
Note: Holy basil is also known as Tulsi

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