Bai Shao (Hang) Single Herb Extract, 100g

Bai Shao (Hang) Single Herb Extract, 100g

Bai Shao (Hang) Single Herb Extract, 100g

Brand Classical Pearls - Single Herb Extracts
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Taste Bitter; Sour - Bensky
Properties Mildly Cold - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Blood Deficiency; Blood Stasis; Liver Qi Constraint; Disharmony between the Liver and Spleen; Ascendent Liver Yang
Branch Liver; Spleen
CAUTION Note: Classical Pearls are not elgible for any discounts.
Chinese name 杭白芍
English name White Peony Root; Peony; Paeoniae Radix alba, Paeonia lactiflora, Radix

White Peony Root Tonifies the Liver Blood; Extinquishes Wind; Nourishes the Liver and Spleen yin; adjusts the nutritive and protective levels*


Baishao (Hang) 5:1

White Peony
Paeonia lactiflora root
Paeoniae Radix alba

Excipient: Organic, soluble quinoa powder

Growing Location: Zhejiang Province, China (cultivated in near wild conditions according to biodynamic principles)

Traditional Preparation: Dry-fried over low heat