Bai Zhu, Atractylodes rhizome, White - 4 oz.

Bai Zhu, Atractylodes rhizome, White - 4 oz.

Bai Zhu, Atractylodes rhizome, White - 4 oz.

SKU FES904-4
Brand Far East Summit Single Herb Liquid Extracts
Unit Size 4 oz.
Potency 8:1
Taste Bitter, Sweet - Bensky
Properties Warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated for internal heat from yin deficiency or thirst from exhausted fluids. - Bensky
Actions Tonifies the Spleen qi, dries dampness, quiets the fetus - Bensky
Pattern Spleen or Stomach deficiency; Qi deficiency; Restless fetus - Bensky
Channels Entered Spleen, Stomach - Bensky
Chinese name Bai Zhu
English name Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

  • Tonifies the Spleen and augments the qi:  for Spleen or Stomach deficiency with such symptoms as diarrhea, fatigue, sallow complexion, and lack of appetite.*
  • Dries dampness and promotes water metabolism:  for accumulation of fluids affecting digestion as well as edema and reduced urination due to Spleen deficiency and its failure to transform and transport.  Used as an auxiliary herb for damp painful obstruction.*
  • Stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating:  for spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency.  Can be used for other types of sweating when combined with appropriate herbs.*
  • Calms the fetus:  for restless fetus disorder, especially when due to Spleen deficiency.  Can be used for other types of this disorder when combined with appropriate herbs.*

Bai Zhu - Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome

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