Huang Qi, Astragalus Root - 32oz

Huang Qi, Astragalus Root - 32oz

Huang Qi, Astragalus Root - 32oz

SKU FES940-32
Brand Far East Summit Single Herb Liquid Extracts (8:1)
Unit Size 32 oz.
Potency 8:1
Taste Sweet
Properties Slightly Warm
Contraindications Yin Deficiency and ascendant Yang. Poor digestion or indigestion. Stagnant Qi and Dampness. Excess in the Exterior. Early-stage abscess.
Actions Tonifies Qi. Raises Yang. Strengthens the Defensive-Qi. Strengthens the Exterior. Expels toxins. Promotes healing. Diuretic. Resolves edema.
Branch Spleen, Lungs.
Chinese name Huang Qi
English name Astragalus Root

Class: Tonify ~ Subclass: Tonify the Qi ~ Page 718 / Bensky

Ingredients Astragalus Root - Huang Qi
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