AsiaMed Special Plus Acupuncture Needles
This Needle is APPROVED with Health Canada
Metal Pipe Handle - One Needle per Guide Tube
State-of-the-art needles from Germany
Asiamed Special+ disposable acupuncture needles correspond to the J-Type needles, however they come with a metal pipe handle. The Special+ needles are packaged one needle per tube.
This is the first of its kind metal handle needle, as the metal handle is retained by a glue spot to the inside of the tube. This eliminates the use of a retaining tab that is common with metal handle needles. Just open, twist and tap.
Great for electro-stimulation and indirect moxibustion (direct fire moxa on a lubricated needle is not recommended).
As the designer and manufacturer, Asiamed can guarantee that each and every needle produced has been subjected to the most stringent quality control procedures.
Asiamed needles are engineered with extreme precision. Each needle tip is machine ground and photographed by a computer. The photograph is then matched to predefined specifications and is then either accepted or rejected. The result is 100% needle tip conformity for smooth, painless insertion. The entire length of the needle shaft is coated with a micro layer of FDA-approved bio-inert silicone, making it super-smooth for ease of penetration into deeper tissue.
Whether it be body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture or acupuncture detoxifcation procedures, Asiamed manufactures state-of-the-art products to suit all your needling needs.
.25x40mm - AsiaMed Special Plus Acupuncture Needle (EXPIRES 03-2025)
32g x 1.5'' - Purple - Metal Pipe Handle