An Shen Bu Xin Pian

An Shen Bu Xin Pian

An Shen Bu Xin Pian

Brand Tanglong Tablets (American Healing)
Unit Size 60 tablets
Potency 5:1 / 750 mg
Properties Nurturing the heart function for a peaceful mind
Actions Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).
Chinese name An Shen Bu Xin Pian
English name Shen Ease & Tonfiy Heart Tablet

Calms the nerves and brings the Heart back into balance with a normal beating rhythm, helps the Heart regain its proper functions, which creates energy and increases blood volume. *

Ingredients Dan Shen - Salvia Root;Zhen Zhu Mu - Mother of Pearl;Wu Wei Zi - Schisandra Fruit;Nu Zhen Zi - Ligustrum Fruit;Tu Zi Si - Chinese Dodder Seed;Shi Chang Pu - Calamus;Han Lian Cao - Eclipta Herb;He Huan Pi - Silk Tree Bark;Shu Di Huang - Rehmannia Root
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