Aller-Calm (Allerg-Ease), 32 oz

Aller-Calm (Allerg-Ease), 32 oz

Aller-Calm (Allerg-Ease), 32 oz

SKU VW302-32
Brand Vitality Works
Unit Size 32 oz.
Properties Anti-histamine; Decongestant; Liver stimulant; Bronchio-dilating
Contraindications Pregnancy and Nursing
Western Symptomology Allergies; Hayfever; Asthma; Sinus infection
English name Aller-Calm, 32 oz.
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Price: $280.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Description Aller-Calm is primarily for hayfever and other environmental allergies. It can be used as a preventative or used when acute with allergy symptoms. Asthma is a form of an allergy too. Preventative: Begin using 2-4 weeks before the onset of the allergy season by taking Aller-Calm two times per day. This will increase resistance to pollens before they even start. keep taking throughout the allergy season. Results can vary from a percentage decrease in reactivity to complete eradication of symptoms. Taking sjall amounts of local bee pollen and avoiding dairy consumption at this time will help. Since most allergies are a symptom of liver deficiency, also taking Liver Detox may help. Acute Allergies: The dosage here needs to be from 3-4 times per day until symptoms begin to subside. Stopping an acute allergy attack with herbs is more difficult, but is still possible. Avoid dairy, dusty environments and flour products. Eyebright, Nettle and Ambrosia (also known as ragweed... this leaf extract inhibits histamines caused by the pollen of this plant. One is not allergic to the leaf) are anti-histamine in action. Yerba Santa helps decongest and Lobelia relaxes teh chest, intercoastal muscles and diaphragme. By treating the underlying constitutional predisposition, Aller-Calm can work deeper. Aller-Calm may support asthmatics as well, whichis an allergy response.- vitality works herbal handbook*

Supplement Facts:  Serving Size 30 drops (1ml)

Amount per Serving:  410mg Herb Weight Equivalence

Proprietary Blend:

Nettle Leaf (Certified Organic)

Eyebright Herb (Ethically Wild Harvested

Fresh Yerba Santa Leaf (Ethically Wild Harvested)

Fresh Turmeric Root (Certified Organic)

Lobelia Herb (Certified Organic)

Ambrosia Herb ( Certified Organic)

Other Ingredients:  Grain Alcohol (43-53% by volume), Deionized Water

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