Albizzia 9, 250 tablets

Albizzia 9, 250 tablets

Albizzia 9, 250 tablets

SKU SF103-250
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 250 tablets (Crude herbs are powdered and formed)
Properties depression, agitation of the mind, defects in thinking patterns
Chinese Symptomology depressionagitationhypertension
Actions calm shenalleviate internal windagitationregulate qi and blood circulationclear heat
Pattern liver qi stagnationspleen qi deficiencyaccumulation of dampness
Branch liver, spleen

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English name Albizzia 9, 250 tablets
Description Albizzia 9 was formulated on the basis of several folk remedies used for the treatment of depression. While the traditional prescriptions for depression are designed to address the standard patterns of liver qi stagnation, spleen qi deficiency, and accumulation of dampness, the folk remedies are based on experience with individual herbs that seem to be quickly effective. Most of the herbs in this prescription have a calming action, but this does not mean that they make one feel sleepy or sluggish; rather, they calm wasteful nervous energy that can sap one\'s vitality and leave one feeling depressed. In many cases of depression, the underlying problem appears to be agitation of the mind with defects in thinking patterns. Calming the mind to alleviate some of the repetitive destructive thinking is a potential solution. Many modern antidepressive drugs are sedative in nature even though the depressed patient feels low energy. The traditional use of most of the herbs in this formula is to calm the spirit and alleviate internal wind. The main ingredient, albizzia, is a specific remedy for depression: the term huan in the name of the herb is translated as "jolly, cheerful, merry, pleased," referring to the condition that this herb is thought to bring about. On the physical level, the herbs may reduce hypertension by calming the excessive neuromuscular constriction of the blood vessels.
Ingredients He Huan Pi (albizzia) 16% Yuan Zhi (polygala) 12% Gou Teng (uncaria) 12% Yu Jin (curcuma) 12% Dan Shen (salvia) 12% Bai Shao (peony) 12% Ye Jiao Teng (polygonum stem) 8% Bai Ji Li (tribulus) 8% Bai Zi Ren (biota) 8%