Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastaches Formula), 8 oz.

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastaches Formula), 8 oz.

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastaches Formula), 8 oz.

Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Extracts (5:1)
Unit Size 8 oz
Dosage 1-3 droppers / 3x daily
Potency 5:1
Contraindications Heat from deficiency. Wind-Heat
Western Symptomology Acute colitis ~Acute gastroenteritis ~Aversion to cold ~Borborygmus ~Chills ~Diarrhea ~Fever ~Fullness of the chest ~Headache ~Intestinal flu ~Nausea ~Oppression of the chest ~Pain of the abdomen ~Pain of the epigastrium ~Stifling sensation~Vomiting
Actions Harmonizes the Middle Burner ~Regulates the Qi ~Releases the Exterior ~Transforms Damp-turbidity in the Stomach and Spleen
Pattern Externally-contracted Wind-Cold with concurrent internal injury due to stagnation.
Tongue white-greasy coating
Pulse Floating-Soft-Tight-Faint pulse (Fu Ru Jin Wei); Soft-Faint pulse (Ru Wei)
Chinese name Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
English name Agastaches Qi Rectifying
Description Resolves the exterior, eliminates dampness, rectifies qi ~

Class: Eliminate Dampness
Subclass: Transform Damp Turbidity
Ingredients Agastache herb, Magnolia bark, Perilla leaf, Pinellia rhizome, Areca husk, White Atractylodes rhizome, Poria sclerotium fungus, Platycodon grandiflorum root, Citrus peel, Fragrant Angelica (bai zhi) root, Chinese Licorice root, Jujube date and Fresh Ginger rhizome.
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