Acupuncture Media Works
The #1 authority for patient education and marketing materials for the acupuncture profession. Grow your practice. Get more patients. Help more people. Acupuncture supplies and patient education products to help you grow your practice and simplify the new patient process. Our brochures, education cards, and presentations provide the essential explanations of acupuncture and its concepts that every new patient should know.
Natural Resource Greeting Card
Neck Pain Education Card - 50 Count
Education cards are a powerful way to introduce patients to the variety of imbalances that acupuncture can address and a great way to illustrate the far ranging affects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Needles: Do They Hurt? Brochure 50 Count
This brochure is designed to illuminate these differences while demystifying the facts about acupuncture needles.
Newsletter - Autumn - 50 Count
Newsletters are one of the easiest and least expensive ways to grow your practice.
Newsletter - Spring - 50 Count
Newsletters are one of the easiest and least expensive ways to grow your practice.