Acanthopanax 10, 250 tablets

Acanthopanax 10, 250 tablets

Acanthopanax 10, 250 tablets

SKU SF100-250
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 250 tablets (Crude herbs are powdered and formed into tablets)
Chinese Symptomology Pain and swelling due to chronic tendon weakness
Western Symptomology Arthralgia;Sciatica;Gout;Strains
Actions Strengthens tendons and bones, nourishes liver and kidney, relieves pain.
Pattern Deficiency of kidney essence and insufficiency of liver blood;Chronic tendon weakness

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English name Acanthopanax 10, 250 tablets
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown
Description Acanthopanax 10 is designed to strenghten tendons and alleviate pain that is due to chronic weakness and repeated injury or inflammation of the tendons. Tendon Weakness is a congenital disorder that, from the Chinese veiwpoint, is due to deficiency of kidney essence and insufficiency of liver blood (the tendons are an extension of the liver; congenital disorders are usually the result of kidney deficiency; kidney essence is a contributor to liver blood). Laxness of the tendons can lead to repeated minor injuries of the joints, resulting in pain and postural problems. Several Chinese herbs have been identified as strengthening tendons, bones, and muscles. Most of these herbs are incorporated into Acanthopanax 10. The formula is a derivative of Gouji Yin (Cibotium Formula), which contains dipsacus, eucommia, achyranthes, chaenomeles, and pine node (cibotium is on the endangered species list), and is indicated for limited movement, painful joints, numbness and fatigue. It is also related to Shujin Zhuangli Wan (Tendon Soothing and Strengthening Pill) that includes eucommia, chaenomeles, achyranthes, and licorice, but which has several additional herbs to address acute tendon disorders (e.g., injuries). The resulting formula is similar to those used to treat bi syndrome in persons with deficiency of kidney and liver, especially for cases of kidney yang deficiency: typical manifestations are cold feet, lower back pain, and tendency to experience sciatica, gout, lower limb arthralgia and/or Achilles tendonitis. Achyranthes, loranthus, and tortoise shell nourish the liver blood and are used to treat weakness and stiffness.
Ingredients Wu Jia Pi (Acanthopanax) 15%; Du Zhong (Eucommia) 10%; Niu Xi (Achyranthes) 10%; Xu Duan (Dipsacus) 10%; Gu Sui Bu (Drynaria) 10%; Sang Ji Sheng (Loranthus) 10%; Song Jie (Pine Node) 10%; Mu Gua (Chaenomeles) 10%; Gui Ban (Tortoise Shell) 10%; Zhi Gan Cao (Licorice) 5%