70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas by Bob Flaws

70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas by Bob Flaws

70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas by Bob Flaws

Brand Blue Poppy Press
Unit Size 208 pages, Paperback
English name 70 Essential Chinese Herb Formulas
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This handy text is designed to give the practitioner a grounding in a basic repertoire of the most clinically useful formulas and how to make the most of them through modification. By learning one or two formulas from each of the 21 formula categories, and learning how to modify them for a wide variety of presenting patterns, your life in clinic can become a lot easier! This book is not meant to replace Benskys Formulas & Strategies, but rather as a learning tool to help you streamline and prioritize what your clinical approach. Product Details ISBN:0-936185-59-7 AUTHOR: Flaws, Bob EDITOR: Honora L. Wolfe 208 pages, Paperback

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