Rose, Damask Absolute 10% in Jojoba

Rose, Damask Absolute 10% in Jojoba

Rose, Damask Absolute 10% in Jojoba

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
Actions Tonifies Blood, strengthens the hun and harmonizes the mind (Holmes, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2009)
English name Rose (damask, absolute, 10%) Essential Oil
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Price: $20.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Description An exquisite rosy-sweet, floral fragrance from the Damask rose, organically grown in Bulgaria. Rose oil calms, balances and nurtures in many emotional conditions. Especially for deeply-held anger, mood swings and withdrawal with worry. Rose will also address emotional insecurity, disconnection and low self-esteem in general. Restores balance to women\'s hormones. Also a soothing skin oil for dry, irritated skin.
Ingredients Rose (damask, absolute, Rosa damascena, 10% in jojoba) essential oil, flower, cultivated, organic, from Bulgaria.