Manuka Honey Facts & Info

Manuka Honey Facts & Info on UMF vs Bio Active

There are 2 types of approved Active Manuka honey. Both are Independently Lab tested for certain types of Activity

1.  Manuka Bio-Active 5+, 10+, 15+ & 20+, 25+, 30 +.

Bio - Active Manuka honey is tested for its Peroxide Activity (PA) and other

Active enzymes. The Higher the level the stronger the activity and less honey can be used.

2. Manuka UMF 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+

UMF Manuka Honey is tested for Peroxide Activity (PA) but also has showed some

special Non Peroxide Activity (NPA) not found in all the Bio-Active product.

All these honeys can be eaten but generally the 5+&10+ are best for internal use

5+, 1 teaspoon 3 x a day 20 minutes before a meal. 10+, 1 level teaspoon 2 x a day before meals.

Higher than 10+ is best used externally for burns, diabetic ulcers and wounds.

Some do take it internally. But it is not recommended as the high strength can cause problems.

No more than 1 level teaspoon once a day or the higher levels or ½ - ¼ teaspoon 2-3 x a day before meals.


Most of the original studies used only a Bio Active 5+ Manuka (PA) as they did not know how to test for higher grades (NPA Or UMF). For 90% of the cases the Bio Active Manuka 5+ (PA) works for wounds and digestive problems.

There is no evidence to date that shows that the UMF (NPA) works better than the Bio Active (PA)

in most cases.

Dr. Peter Molan who discovered the properties of Manuka Honey and others believe that the

special NPA (UMF) does enhance the healing properties and in certain cases it does appear to work better.

The secret to the success of Manuka Honey over other Raw Honeys is that

1. They have higher levels of healing Activity. 2. Manuka Honey is heat tolerant.


Most raw honeys lose most of their activity when exposed to temperatures higher than the hive

Temperature (68 – 72 degrees). The body’s temperature is 98.6 degrees.

Manuka being heat tolerant can take higher temperatures, above 98.6, before losing any of its activity either externally or internally. This is why Manuka is so effective for digestive problems and wound treatment.

One of the down sides to Manuka Honey is that it is light sensitive and has to be packed in amber containers.

Any type of light will destroy the activity of Manuka Honey.


Almost 40% of the Manuka honey harvested is not active.

The temptation is to try and sell untested products as though they have activity for a higher price.

Every drum must be tested and every retail pot should have a batch number relating to the drum it came from.

Some of the less reputable honey producers will only test 1 out of every 5-10 drums for activity.

Others will heat their manuka to get a short-lived activity reading for the time of testing.

After about 10 –15 days, the honey will lose all of its activity.

Some larger New Zealand companies blend their Manuka honey from many sources as they do not have their own hives and quality is affected. They are just resellers.

A current trend to make money is to ship manuka honey in bulk outside of New Zealand to avoid the export testing regulations and sell non-active Manuka as active. Generally in a 16+ or 12+. Some of these companies will add ginger or lemon to the manuka to hide its real activity.

There are currently 3 brands in the US that claim activity but cannot or will not produce a Certificate of Analysis for their honey for every barrel. One even packs in clear glass jars that allows light to destroy the activity.

Pacific Resources only imports brands direct from bee keepers that have every drum tested, has an independent certificate of Analysis and is packed in New Zealand. 

Due to the high world demand for Manuka honey 3 brands are imported to ensure supply that can be trusted to supply the very highest quality of tested Manuka. 

1.  Honeyland / Arataki  2.  Mossops  3. Nelson

The concern is that the manuka that is being sold as active and is not will disappoint the consumer and destroy

The manuka image of being a Healing honey.

This great New Zealand Healing honey not only tastes good but also gets the Job done.




Manuka honey is used internally to help keep unfriendly bacteria in check like (Helicobacter pylori)

H – pylori that can be the cause of stomach ulcers and digestive problems.

But you need H-pylori to help break down tough stuff like hair & finger nails.

H-pylori only gets out of control when the friendly bacteria (acidophilus) are low or gone.

Manuka honey will help to control the problem but acidophilus must be replanted to complete the healing process.

1 teaspoon 3 x a day 20 minutes before a meal. 

Tablespoon mixed in a glass of warm water can be used to gargle with for sore throats.



Manuka honey is the only healing answer to diabetic ulcers.

Can be used straight out of the jar or the more expensive tubes and manuka bandages.

It is also great for any wound, scrape, cuts and burns and will help leave the area scar free.



MGO is a test for a different type of activity that is only use by one company for their own purposes to get

extremely high numbers that can range in the 400 or higher. It is NOT a test of the Bio Active or UMF activity that are the industry standards. This Manuka can be a high quality Manuka but without the proper test its ability to perform is in question. Again sometimes 40% of the Manuka crop can be non-active so the MGO grading allows this company to sell all their Manuka under the MGO test at a higher price.The MGO test is good for ensuring that the honey is 100% Manuka Honey.


Manuka Honey Blend 5+ Bio Active:

This is the perfect every day Manuka Honey for the consumer looking to build immunity and help with digestion at a economic price. It is every bit as powerful as the 100% Manuka Honey 5+ Bio Active.

100% Manuka 10+ Bio Active is blended with active multiflora (many flowers) to create the Manuka Blend 5+ Bio Active.   

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